Thursday, August 9, 2012

A New Blog and Mercy River

I am tired of having to log out of one gmail account and into another just so I can get into this blog. Now it is telling me I need to change my primary email account, but it won't let me. SO, I am starting a new blog. It is simple Please, check it out and read about Mercy River.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My Diamond-lost and found

I went to the temple today. During the session I looked at my wedding rings and thought how much I like them.
This evening Frank and I went to Costco. After shopping, Frank stopped to get gas.
As I was waiting in the car, I noticed my diamond was gone. I was sick. I got out of the car to show Frank. He said I scared him because I looked so sick.
On the drive home, Frank said he would buy me a new big diamond, if I wanted. He said it was surprising the ring had lasted 32 years.
When we got home, I put my hand in my pocket and the diamond was there. I am so thankful. I may still get a new diamond ring, but I do love this one.

A funny related story happened in December. Frank and I went into Jared's to look for a Christmas present for the girls. Some of you may know that I wear Omi's diamond ring on my right hand. One of the sales girls looked at my ring and Omi's ring. She told me that the prongs on Omi's ring were worn thin and the diamond was about to fall out, but my ring was just fine-nothing to worry about. I looked at Omi's ring closely and concluded that there is still plenty of gold holding the diamond. After my diamond fell out it was clear to me that two of the prongs were completely worn out. I am pretty sure the sales girl just concluded that Omi's ring was older and therefore more worn out. She told me it would be $300 to fix it. If it costs $300 to fix my ring that is more than we paid for the ring originally.

So, what do you think? Should I fix it or get a new one? I am so thankful to have my diamond back, though.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

A Sacred Easter Sacrament Meeting

Today was Easter and Frank and I went to church at the MTC. There was a special sacrament meeting held for all of the missionaries. President Boyd K Packer was the visitor. Just imagine being in a sacrament meeting and taking the sacrament in the presence of an apostle on Easter Sunday.
The meeting was to start at 9am. Everyone was in their seat by 8:30. There were over 2000 missionaries there. There was complete reverence for 15 minutes and then we sang a prelude hymn. The hymn was "I Know That My Redeemer Lives." The Holy Spirit was present as we sang. After a few more minutes the meeting began.
We sang "Called to Serve" for the opening hymn. President Packer is responsible for that hymn becoming the missionary anthem of the church.

For the sacrament hymn we sang "I stand all amazed", while 20 Elders prepared the sacrament. After the sacrament prayer, 45 Elders passed the 75 sacrament trays. It was so solemn and beautiful. I have never had an easier time reflecting on my Savior and His great atoning sacrifice than I did during those few minutes. Again, the Holy Spirit was present in great abundance. Again, there was perfect reverence.

President Packer's son, Elder Allen Packer spoke first. He is a member of the first quorum of the Seventy. Among other things he said that we do not think of the crucifixion as an end, but a milestone on the way to the resurrection. Death is not an end, but a graduation.
What we celebrate on Easter is the opportunity given to all, through the atonement of the Savior, to return to our Heavenly Father.
Study carefully the Atonement and the doctrines of Christ.

Next we sang a rest hymn "He is Risen."

President Boyd K Packer then spoke. He is the senior apostle and president of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles. He is also next in line to be the prophet. He mentioned that he had polio as a child and it has returned. That is why he can't walk, but otherwise he is in good health.
He said to look to the Almighty for your strength and power. It is always there. It is there when you are alone.
He quoted the scripture in Alma 42 that says "Now repentance could not come unto man save there be a punishment." So what are we to do? We will make mistakes that we cannot fix ourselves. Since we cannot fix everything ourselves we had better find a good relationship with Jesus Christ. That is why He came-to pay the price.
If you can understand who He is, what He did, and why He did it, you will be filled with great love and with that love will come a great desire to obedient to His commandments.

It was so wonderful to sit in that meeting with an Apostle and 2000 missionaries who have a similar calling-to teach and testify of Christ.

I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior. I know that because He atoned for my sins, I have the opportunity to return to live with Heavenly Father and live in peace and joy forever.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Pride and Prejudice

I have been reading my favorite book again. It has been my favorite since I was about 14. When the Colin Firth movie came out, I was literally obsessed with it. Then, I was a little annoyed because now everyone seemed to be in love with Jane Austen and seemed to be a Jane Austen expert even though they had never read the book.
I have read Pride and Prejudice more than any other book except the Book of Mormon. I have not read it for a few years, though, because I wanted to be able to forget some of it, so there were at least a few surprises and fresh delights as I read it.
Annemarie just reread the book and we watched the movie last week, so I decided I would read it again.
Now, I want to tell you my new discovery. I have wondered which version of Pride and Prejudice (Colin Firth, Kiera Nightly) was more correct in portraying Longbourn. In one version it is a tidy, well-kept place. It the other it is run down, dirty, and a little messy. I just discovered the answer and it is an answer I like.
When Lady Catherine comes to visit Elizabeth at Longbourn to secure her promise not to marry Mr Darcy she sits with the ladies for a few minutes in the sitting room and then she asks Elizabeth to take a turn with her in the park. Elizabeth agrees and "As they passed through the hall, Lady Catherine opened the doors into the dining-parlour and drawing-room, and prounoucing them, after a short survey, to be decent looking rooms, walked on."
If they had been run down and untidy Lady Catherine would never have found them to be decent looking.
I have a long list of reasons why the Colin Firth version is more true to Jane Austen. This is perhaps a minor one, but I have thought about it a lot so I was glad to find an answer.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Happy Birthday Beckie

Happy Birthday to my wonderful sister. I am so thankful to have grown up with Beckie. She was always my best friend. Sorry, I don't have any pictures to post, but I am in SLC and there are none on this computer. I love you Beckie.

Monday, February 20, 2012


Julianna and I started a new blog called Pinsperiments. We wanted a place to post about things we have tried because of Pinterest. Find it at We would love to have everyone participate and post things they have done, too.

Monday, January 16, 2012


This is my product endorsement blog.
When Frank went back to work, I decided that I would never lug a bag of salt down the stairs and wrestle it into the water softener again. So I went a few months without soft water and on Black Friday I bought an EasyWater system. It arrived a couple of days later and Frank installed it. It is totally a do it yourself job.
The whole concept of EasyWater seems impossible. Basically, it puts some sort of electrical charge in your water that prevents stuff from depositing on pipes and other surfaces. You don't have to do anything. It seems too good to be true. It even claims to reverse the damage done by hard water.
Since I had been without soft water for a couple of months there were some hard water deposits on my shower door and on the granite by my kitchen sink faucet. I noticed yesterday that the shower door is absolutely clean and there is no white deposit by my faucet. It has been six or seven weeks since Frank installed it.
I can only conclude that EasyWater really works and that it is worth every penny. (It was more expensive than a water softener.)
So, if you are thinking of buying a water softener you might want to consider EasyWater.