The young Brugger family. The photo was poor quality with damage and bad fingerprint smudges. Doreen loves this photo so she asked me to restore it. I have done the best I could with it. This was my gift to Doreen for Christmas.
According to Beckie, this photo was taken at a Relief Society Bazaar in San Antonio. In those days the church did not fund Relief Society so the sisters would spend all year making quilts, toys, food, etc to sell at the annual Bazaar to raise funds for the Relief Society.
Dec 31, 1991 from Carolyn's Journal
Last day of 1991-What a year last year at this time our house went on the market-we started to pack and close things down in Texas
This year we will have a diffrent type life-Working in the temple-finishing up the house here in manti-my new ovens are here and my stove top comes today-now if we can just find time to work on it.
We have had lots of company Alice Ric and annette and John-3 girls all came Sat. stayed till Sunday night and are coming again today-it makes a house full.
Ellis and Earl had their Golden Wedding on Sat it was real nice.
We had a nice Christmas-Archie gave me a beautiful Doll (Bride) It was fun to have the little girls.-We had Ruby and Rene from next door to Sat Dinner they sure seemed to enjoy it. It was a quiet day in many ways.
We worked at the temple on the 27th there were 52 weddings It was real fun but we got tired.
Bob is looking for work. His grant to go to school ran out also he is sort of burned out on school-He is going to look for work in provo.