19 Things I Love About Christina (in no particular order)
1. She likes to talk to me.
2. She is a good leader.
3. She always knows exactly the right thing to say to people she has just met, or older people, or visitors...
4. She loves the temple.
5. She is diligent about studying.
6. She is a good cook. (I really like her recipe for Sweet and Sour Chicken.)
7. She is a good driver.
8. She is a good organizer.
9. She is neat and clean.
10. She inspires me to be neater and more organized.
11. She loves and admires her sisters.
12. She reads her scriptures faithfully.
13. She tries to choose to be happy.
14. She likes to watch romantic movies with me.
15. She likes to be with me. (It is fun to be a mom and have your kids like you.)
16. She likes Disneyland. (Who doesn't ?)
17. She is doesn't like to spend my money-she always wants to pay for things herself.
18. She loves her grandparents and she loved her granny and grandpa.
19. She has many qualities that remind me of the best in my mother (see 2,4,8,9,12) and other good qualities that remind me of her grandma Doreen.
20. AND one for good measure. She can sit on an exercise ball with her legs crossed and balance on it.