Monday, Wednesdays, Fridays, when I am Salt Lake, I go to water aerobics.
There is a pool here in our apartment building.
I am at least 15 years younger than anyone else who comes to the class. (Most of the people in our building are old.) One lady who attends the class is 98 years old. There are usually 3 old men and 4 old women in the pool, besides myself.
Norma teaches the class. She is probably 70 or 75. One time she told me proudly that she swims 20 laps every day. (The pool is about the length of a motel pool, but it is square. It takes me about 3-4 strokes to swim the length of the pool.) Norma pays close attention to how I am doing the exercises and corrects me all the time. I think it is because I am the only one in the class capable of actually doing the exercises right.
Connie is about the same age as Norma and is Norma's best friend. She often does something completely different than the rest of us are doing. Norma told me not to do what Connie is doing because it is "too hard."
There is an old Japanese man who comes. He doesn't speak much English, but every time he gets into the pool he says "Herro, everybody." He doesn't know how to do most of the exercises so he mostly just walks around the pool, watching everyone, trying to figure out what to do.
Norma is funny because she always says exactly the same thing about each exercise. For example she tell us every day, as we are doing what she calls the "super kegel" that Dr Oz says this is the most important exercise you can do.
But after all that explanation I must say that is actually a really good workout. I can really tell that it does me a lot of good.
It is wonderful to have a pool so convenient. I love it here.