Sunday, April 18, 2010


On Thursday I noticed a sister whose name tag said Sora Puckett. (Sora is Romanian for sister.) My trainer was Sister Puckett so I asked this sister if she was related. My Sister Puckett is her aunt. I got the phone number and called. It was so wonderful to talk to her again. I love her so much.
I love Alma 17 where it talks about Alma and the sons of Mosiah meeting as they returned from their mission. It was such a joyful reunion. My favorite phrase says that what added to their joy is they were still brethren in the Lord. It is always wonderful to reconnect with loved ones, but there is greater joy when you all still love the Lord.

Speaking of reconnecting. I still have a nice guest bedroom and and a downstairs that can be turned over to a family with kids, so if possible include us in your summer plans.