Sunday, September 20, 2009


I can't stand to let free food go to waste, so I have been canning like crazy. On Friday we went to Manti and got a large box of apples from Popi's tree and a large box of tomatoes from his garden. I spent most of the day yesterday making apple sauce and tomato sauce. I got 36 pints of applesauce and 14 quarts of tomato sauce. I had never made tomato sauce before-it is really a messy job.
Other stuff I've canned:
50 pints green beans
90 pints pickled beets (I know that sounds like a lot, but Tina and I LOVE them)
28 quarts peaches (so far-I plan to do more. The peaches are the only thing I didn't get from Popi)
9 half pints pickled jalapenos
5 half pints cucumber catsup
many jars of claussen-type pickles (I will do lots more. They are EASY to make and taste great. If anyone is interested I will copy the recipe.)

Lots of people were giving me zucchini and it drove me nuts to just throw it away, but there was just too much for me to use. Then I heard that I could dehydrate it. I did this with one very large zucchini. It dehydrated down to about 1/2 cup. To use it you just rehydrate it in boiling water and use it in breads, cookies, quiches, etc. It tastes great. The problem is I didn't get this hint until I had thrown most of the zucchini away, and no one has given me any more.

Anyway, I actually love canning-except for tomatoes-and I am truly thankful to my earthly father and to my Heavenly Father for all of this good food.


Tina said...

I LOVE that picture!! You and Kitty look so beautiful! :)

Carlye said...

I am so jealous! I love pickled beets - and I would like to learn how to can. And, I agree, that is a great picture of you! I love you and miss you!

Grandma Bailey said...

I love pickled beets too - I love canning and wish I was there to help. You do look beautiful!

Heidi Noel said...

I agree with all the above. I want to learn to can, but no one gives us their extra produce anyway. Your food storage id definitely prettier than mine.

Annemarie said...

you do look pretty mommy! and so does kitty!