Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What would you do for 2 weeks in hotel room?

Julianna and I are flying to Chicago on Sunday. Julianna is going to fulfill one of her dreams by taking the Wilton cake decorating class. Since she is far enough along that she really shouldn't travel by herself, I am going with her. I will be spending 12 days in a hotel room. We are going to use taxis to get around and Julianna will take a taxi to get to the school. The hotel is not near anything, so I will not have anywhere to go during the day. Also, since we are flying Southwest and can take 2 suitcases each for free, we are going to take food with us in our suitcases.

I have a Kindle and I will take some crochet and embroidery projects, but I wonder if any of you have any suggestions on what I should take-both things to do and things to eat.

What would you do if you were going to spend 2 weeks in a hotel room?

By the way, I am actually looking forward to this.


Annemarie said...

i would take my computer and watch netflix for two weeks.

pambelina said...

I would write! You could write your personal history or stories for the baby or something like that.

Heidi Noel said...

I would read, cross-stitch, scrapbook and watch old movies. I am not sure what kind of food would travel well in a suitcase. Fruit would be my first choice, but it would bruise. Hmm... I would take crackers and granola bars. If your hotel room has a microwave I would also take soups and bowls, utensils, etc. to use.

Marianne said...

Our hotel room has a kitchenette

Cari said...

I have to say that as a mom - and I do love my children - that sounds heavenly. I would read, watch movies, probably sew or crochet and daydream. As for food I would bring Ramen noodles, triscuits, pretzels and spray cheese. Maybe there will be a place to buy fruit, cheeses, etc. once you arrive. Have fun!

Tina said...

I would take Tina and we could both watch movies and sleep and read and have fun!

Katherine said...

I would sleep until I couldn't sleep any longer, but that is because I have babies who don't let me sleep normally. I'd probably watch HGTV and Food Network all day.