Sunday, April 12, 2009

A Mystery Solved

It occurred to me that it was really easy to get an answer about why Sara was blind in her right eye. I called Aunt Norma. Norma said that when Sara was a in college she got a cinder in her eye. As soon as she said that I remembered hearing about the cinder in her eye. Beckie will remember it, too. But I still don't remember ever knowing she was blind in that eye.

Norma said the cinder came from the Bamberger railroad that ran between Salt Lake City and Lagoon. It apparently no longer exists. Norma remembered that Sara put drops in her eye every day, hoping to heal her eye.


Heidi Noel said...

You can't tell she is blind in one eye by looking at pictures even. Wow! That is very interesting. I love that picture of them.

Grandma Bailey said...

I love that picture of Mom, Norma and Omi. I called Norma the other night and we talked for 95 minutes. We would probably still be on the phone if Clyde hadn't said it was bedtime. I do remember hearing about the cinder but like you never knew about the blindness. I think she had some sight but not enough to really count.